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Grey by Diego Franssens
Grey by Diego Franssens

 © diego franssens

"Grey could be the most intriguing of all colors precisely because no surprises are expected of it. It is a color through which one turns into another but which is no longer one nor the other. It is at all times in movement. Grey is the most tentative and ambiguous of colors and the least absolute of any - it is difficult to imagine a pure grey. Grey is the constant that allows all other colors to happen and to disappear. It is essential.  "


From ‘The luminous and the grey’ by David Batchelor






GREY is a performance which explores the impossibility of (total) stillness and exposes happenings present within it. Focusing on the physical body and constant transformations present within it, GREY wants to question our perception of dance and movement as well as our understanding and attachment to an 'event'. 



Performers: Meri Pajunpää, Emmi Väisänen, Jonas Vandekerckhove. 

Costumes, scenography and assistance: Rosemarie Allaert. 

With support of: DeSingel International Kunsten Campus, WpZimmer 

Thanks to: workspacebrussels and CAMPO (Victoria)

Trailer: Liesbet Peremans

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